Category Archives: Announcements

General announcements

SWTOR Conquest Review (06/01/15 – 12/01/15)

General - Announcement

Conquer? I Hardly know her!

This week we got one of those rare occasions where the conquest for the week was Galactic Conquest, allowing us to have a chance of a leader board finish. I sent out the call for the Orphans to assemble and set the task of claiming a leader board finish and for once the Orphans actually rose to the occasion!+ Read the rest of this entry

Orphan Legacy – Issue #001 (May 2014)

General - The Orphan Legacy Newsletter

Welcome to the first issue of Orphan Legacy, the new monthly Orphans of Taris newsletter featuring a myriad of random articles! This week we’ll be looking at what’s new in the guild and the two new update to both Star Wars: The Old Republic and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

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The Eight-Team

Orphans of Treno - Announcement

Good news everyone! As of last night, we now have at least a full 8-man (and women) end-game operations team for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Now that we have a team, we can start hacking away at those end-game dungeons and trials! With a lack of lockouts, we can run them as many times as we want, ensuring we get good loot for all of our fellow members!

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Orphan Legacy – Journalism Opportunity

General - The Orphan Legacy Newsletter

To help record our adventures together, we have decided to release a monthly newsletter called Orphan Legacy. We will be releasing this on the 1st of every month (or there abouts) with information regarding primarily Star Wars: The Old Republic and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn along with other  «Orphans of Taris» related news. Issue #001 will be released on Thursday 1st May 2014.

For more information, please feel free to check out the main page here.

If you would be interested in submitting any articles, please speak to Shuartzu. In our first issue, we’ll be arranging an AMA (Ask me anything) “Ask an Orphan” segment where you can submit questions to ask our glorious führer, Valéfor Eidolon. You can find a submission section on the aforementioned section.

Orphans of Taris MMXIV – A New Home

General - Announcement

It is with great joy that we can now say that we have a brand new home! In the past we have had trouble with certain members not having access to our primary presence on Facebook (including our leader, Valéfor). While it is true that we have Twitter, a tweet isn’t all that grand in scale. For ease of usage among the officers, it was decided to use WordPress to host the site, allowing for easy customisation for those that aren’t as familiar with lesser user friendly methods.

We’ve decided to add a few extra pages including Memoriam and Orphans’ Dictionary with newer pages expected to appear in the future to allow for a more memorable experience within the guild. We’ve come a long way in the last year and a half (even more so since before I started back at the start of Summer last year). At the very least, I hope this will be a fun place to document the fun adventures that we have had together.


Greetings, salutations and welcome to the official homepage and blog for the “Orphans of Taris”. We are primarily a guild known by our name from the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic (Republic Faction). We also own extended sister guilds “Orphans of Treno” and “Orphans of Tor’qua” belonging to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and Guild Wars 2 respectively. We also have a guild within the Empire faction of Star Wars: The Old Republic called “Infinite”.