Orphans’ Dictionary

Throughout the period of time that the Orphans of Taris has existed, certain words and terms have come into every day common use that may need some explaining. Below is an alphabetical list of some of our most prominent words (or at least the ones that we can remember).

Alt Dance (Verb)
[Alt Dance, Alt Danc-ing]

  1. The act of cycling through ones alts in quick succession for one reason or another. Inspired by Sanro.

Clunge (noun)
[ Clunge ]

  1.  A codeword used by the Orphans to represent an impending threat or danger.

Cory (verb)
[ Cory, Cory-ing, Cory-ed ]

  1.  The act of pulling a an entire area or room of mobs accidentally, often results in a wipe.

El (verb)
[ El, El-ing, El-ed ]

  1. The act of running away from a fight that has gone badly, usually resulting in death.

Jal (verb)
[ Jal, Jal-ing, Jal-ed ]

  1. The act of telling a tall tale, often over exaggerated.
  2. Disappearing and never returning without a word.

Nay (verb)
[ Nay, Nay-ing, Nay-ed ]

  1. The act of adventuring off, usually in a group, in order to explore and accidentally getting killed.

Nukegate (noun)
[ Nukegate ]

  1. A reference to an un-“civilised” event which included a triple agent, a nuke and two very unfortunate cities in the August of 2014.

Numi (verb)
[ Numi, Numi-ing, Numi-ed ]

  1. The act of pulling (SWTOR: Rescue) another player to their death, often ends in failure.
  2. Making a (very) bad pun.

Sanro (verb)
[ Sanro, Sanro-ing, Sanro-ed ]

  1. The act of joining and listening in on TeamSpeak but is either unable or unwilling to talk.

Shuicide (verb)
[ Shuicide ]

  1. The act of killing oneself accidentally or at another’s behest
  2. Death due to misinformation

Sylph (verb)
[ Sylph, Sylp-ing, Syph-ed ]

  1. The act of slamming another into a wall

Tirtz (verb)
[ Tirtz, Tirtz-ing, Tirtz-ed ]

  1. The act of pulling a mob/boss accidentally, may sometimes result in a wipe.

Valurism (noun)
[ Valurism ]

  1. Head pain, often belonging to the guild leader, through suffering a mental breakdown due to sheer stupidity.


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