Ask an Orphan – Raph (Orphan Legacy #04)

Ask me Anything

The Ask an Orphan AMA (ask me anything) segment this month takes a look at Raph of the Orphans.

Q: “Who’s the boss at home? You or Tirtz? (Or the cat?)” By Sanro
Answer: Lois, then Tirtz, then me. I’m definitely lowest in the pecking order.

Q: “If you were driving down a river in a canoe, how much pizza would fit into your left shoe?” By Sanro
Answer: Well, I’d obviously blend it all first, so about 1 pint? Maybe a litre?

Q: “How many different pets do you have across all your chars?” By Sanro
Answer: I have no idea. No, I’m not gonna count.

Q: “If Star Wars Celebration Europe was in England, would you go?” By Sanro
Answer: Yes, definitely – even though I’m not entirely sure what it is.

Q: “Would you dress up (cosplay)?” By Sanro
Answer: If I had the time or money to spend on an outrageous costume then yes. I hate the cosplayers who look like their mums made their costumes.

Q: “What was your favourite class in school?” By Sanro
Answer: Chemistry – We didn’t do anything, just sat around and played with the bunson burner taps. I enjoyed geography (physical geography) as a subject most though.

Q: “Do you (((x^2)+(y^2)-1)^3)-((x^2)*(y^3)) = 0 the Orphans?” By Sanro
Answer: Oh clever! Here’s my answer…
(x²+y²-100) ((x-4)²+(y-4)²-9) ((x-4)²+(y-4)²-9) (x²+(7y-x²+49)²-49) < 0

Q: “Do you know what the result of the above function is as graph?” By Sanro
Answer: Yes, do you know the result of my function on a graph?

Q: “The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones?” By Sanro
Answer: GoT comes ahead of nearly any shows ever, except maybe Buffy =)

Q: “Who do you prefer Tirtz or your cat?” By Anonymous
Answer: Lois can’t read, so I’ll go with Tirtz.

Q: “What’s your favourite item of clothing in Star Wars?” By Tirtz
Answer: Er. It changes from week to week. I’m currently liking the Zayne Carrick chest etc on my marauder.

Q: “Who would win in a fight – Raph or San?” By Tirtz
Answer: Our characters or irl? Raph is slightly better geared so I have to assume he would. Irl San could be a 250lb mutai legend, so not a clue.

Q: “Who would win in a fight – Tirtz or Raph?” By Tirtz
Answer: We fought recently and Raph kicked arse. Irl, Tirtz has a good chance.

Q: “Start a rant about something……” By Tirtz
Answer: Don’t tell me when to rant. I hate being controlled by women, all my life some woman has been looking over my shoulder telling me what to do. Why do men put up with it?

Q: “What do you love about Star Wars?” By Tirtz
Answer: It would be easier to ask what I don’t love about SW. What’s not to love about epic space drama with sword fighting heroes and space wizards?

Q: “Who is your favourite guildie?” By Tirtz
Answer: I am. I love myself most.

Q: “Describe a time when you lost something very valuable. How did you feel when you finally found it or when you realized it would never be found?” By Exo
Answer: I genuinely don’t lose things for any more than about 10 minutes. Sorry. The most valuable thing I’ve lost was a transformer when we were moving house 22 yrs ago or so. I cried. Then looked again. Then cried. Then looked again. Then cried and gave up looking…

Q: “Have you ever broken or spilled something in someone else’s home? Did you try to cover it up or fix it so it would go unnoticed?” By Exo
Answer: Must have done as a kid, but I don’t remember anything specific. I’m not very clumsy.

Q: “Would you want to know the date and cause of your death? How would that information change things for you?” By Exo
Answer: That’s a bloody essay question. Yes, I’d like to know both. I like to plan, so this would help. We’re all gonna die, might as well know how and when. If I was standing at a bus stop would I like to know when the next bus is coming? Yes, obviously I would. I think the same about this.

Q: “Was there ever a time when you were very sure of something, but were later proved wrong? Explain what happened and how you reacted.” By Exo
Answer: I try to only speak when I’m sure I’m right, really sure I’m right… But I must have been wrong a lot. Ask Tirtz this question, she probably has examples.

Q: “What’s the difference between intelligence and wisdom?” By Exo
Answer: There is no wisdom without intelligence; there is much intelligence without wisdom. Will that do?

Q: “If you found an abandoned car with $50,000 in the back seat, what would you do? Why?” By Exo
Answer: I’d leave the weird money in the car. What am I gonna do with dollars? I’m not sure the post office would be too impressed when I tried to change it. Am I supposed to tell them it’s what was left from my spending money on my last holiday to the States??

Q: “If you were in charge of ending world hunger, where would you start?” By Exo
Answer: McDonalds

Q: “If you absolutely had to change your first name, what name would you choose?” By Exo
Answer: Batman Miller? Er, no, Raph Miller. Hhhmm. I’d actually go for a name starting with M so I have a superhero name. Like Matt Miller, or Max Miller. Not sure which M though.

Q: “If you could rule the world for one day, what would you do?” By Exo
Answer: Play SWTOR all day probably, but on a stupidly powerful PC wired up to a cinema. Screw the rest of the world, it’s gotten on fine without me ruling it for this long, it can wait a bit longer.

Q: “If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?” By Exo
Answer: I’d quite like some of my hair back. I swear the hair fairy has a vendetta against me.

Q: “If you had the chance to go anywhere for dinner tomorrow, where would you go? Why?” By Exo
Answer: Tokyo – obvious reasons really.

Q: “If you were able to retrieve only one item on the way out of your burning home, what would that be?” By Exo
Answer: I’d rescue Donald. – Donald the Duck that is. He’s a soft toy I was given for my first Christmas, I was 3 months old. He is my most prized possesion.

Q: “If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?” By Exo
Answer: Quite like to be well all the time. Does sickness count as a weakness/limitation?

Q: “Have you ever had a challenging roommate situation? What was difficult about it?” By Exo
Answer: Never had a roommate…. Well, not one that wasn’t sleeping in the same bed as me anyway. I’m not sure girlfriends like to be refered to as roommates.

Q: “What’s one of the biggest purchases you made, and how did you negotiate the transaction?” By Exo
Answer: My laptop recently – I negotiated the website using my mouse?

Q: “Did you or someone you know ever talk a police officer out of writing a ticket? Describe the situation?” By Exo
Answer: Not that I know of…

Q: “How did someone plan a surprise for you? What was your reaction?” By Exo
Answer: I hate surprises. People have known this since I was a kid, so they don’t surprise me. Unless you count keeping my presents on b.days and Xmas a secret.

Q: “Do you have a set place for everything at home or do you simply let things stay wherever they land? Give some examples.” By Exo
Answer: Ordered chaos I think is the correct term. I live in a small flat so everything has to have it’s own place otherwise within a week you can’t move.

Q: “When driving, are you more likely to listen to the radio, to CDs and tapes, or nothing at all? Why?” By Exo
Answer: I’m likely to listen to the sound of people bouncing off the car bonnet and people shouting and screaming in general. I can’t drive….

Q: “What is one of your favorite souvenirs brought back from your travels? Where do you keep it?” By Exo
Answer: I bought a tantó from one of a handful of sword shops left in Japan, in Kyoto. I then had to bring this 12 inch knife back through UK customs, which was a bit scary. It lives on top of my TV unit with my katana.

Q: “When you fly, do you prefer to arrive at the airport extra early or get there just in the nick of time? Why?” By Exo
Answer: Early. Can’t trust the M25 or the trains to get you there when they say they will.

Q: “When you find yourself in an argument, do you prefer to leave and resolve it later or stay and settle it right away? Why?” By Exo
Answer: Sort it out there and then. I don’t like to give a person time to think about their side of the argument.

Q: “When you need to confront someone, would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by e-mail, or by letter? Why?” By Exo
Answer: None of the above. I’d probably ignore it and hope it went away.

Q: “What time do you usually wake up in the morning? Do you awaken naturally or need an alarm?” By Exo
Answer: As late as is possible. I am not a morning person, I need about 3 alarms.

Q: “What’s a strange occurrence you’ve observed but, until now, have never (or rarely) shared with anyone?” By Exo
Answer: I was once in Great Yarmouth looking out across the sea quite late at night with a friend when we saw what looked like giant glowing orbs several miles out. They looked like giant balls of energy, orange and strange, growing bigger and bigger, then simply disappearing. It went on for a minute or so and we both saw them. It turned out that it was probably ball lighting, but at the time, we didn’t know such a thing existed.

Q: “How do you typically react in a sudden, extreme, pressure-filled crisis?” By Exo
Answer: I’m normally cool, calm and collected, believe it or not. It takes a lot to rattle me and get me panicking. Er, unless it’s somewhere high up, I don’t do heights very well.

Q: “What goals have you recently set for yourself, and how are you doing on them so far?” By Exo
Answer: I don’t set goals. Gave up a long time ago because I never reached them.

Q: “Is the paper money in your possession right now organized sequentially according to denomination and with the bills right side up and facing the same way? Why or why not?” By Exo
Answer: Hardly ever have cash. If I do, it is always facing the correct way in numerical order. A habbit picked up from doing he banking at work probably.

Q: “When something is funny, do you usually laugh raucously, hiss, snort, chuckle quietly to yourself, or smile and nudge the person next to you?” By Exo
Answer: Depends how funny it is. I could do any of those things

Q: “Who’s the most famous person you have ever met? What famous person would you most like to meet?” By Exo
Answer: I don’t go out of my way to meet famous people. I really don’t care that they are famous.

Q: “What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep, toss and turn, or get up and try to do something productive?” By Exo
Answer: Get out of bed and have a cigarette for about 15mins, keeping the lights and TV off. Blue light apparently triggers your metabolism to a certain extent, so I try to make sure my body knows it is night time.

Q: “What’s something your parents used to say to you as a child that you promised yourself you’d never say—but now you catch yourself saying all the time?” By Exo
Answer: I can’t think of anything really. My mum never had any real sayings or anything.

Thanks for all that participated. The next issue of Ask an Orphan AMA will feature Sanro. To members wishing to put forward their own questions for the AMA, please submit them here.

About Orphans of Taris

The official Wordpress account for the guild belonging to the Republic faction from the MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Posted on November 1, 2014, in Orphan Legacy and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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