Ask an Orphan – Tirtz (Orphan Legacy #06)

Ask me Anything

The Ask an Orphan AMA (ask me anything) segment this month takes a look at Tirtz of the Orphans.

Q: “If you could have Raph learn one thing what would it be?” By Val
Answer: Probably to learn to drive – I do get a bit sick of doing all the driving sometimes.

Q: “If you didn’t join the Orphans what guild do you think you would have ended up in if any?” By Val
Answer: We probably would have replied to a NorDev recruitment message! Honestly I have no idea. We weren’t actively looking for a guild, so I suspect it would have been a random guild that we came across together, doing a heroic or something similar.

Q: “If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?” By Exo
Answer: Maybe some kind of chocolatier because chocolate = happiness!

Q: “Do you and Raph have side-by-side computer stations so you’ll always be together?” By Illuminus
Answer: We do both sit on the same sofa side-by-side with our laptops. It’s not so much that to ensure that we’ll always be together, but rather that there’s not loads of space in our flat.

Q: “What’s your favourite pizza” By Haf
Answer: Probably Hawaiian, though I’m not that picky about pizza, as long as its doesn’t have peppers on it!

Q: “How much money a week do you spend on your Lois?” By Shuartzu
Answer: I have no idea, but a lot!

Q: “If you could have any car, what one would you have?” By Shuartzu
Answer: If I won the lottery – I have no idea. Realistically I like the Audi A1’s and the Ford Kuga’s.

Q: “Do you remember the time that Val (and Shu) invited you (and Raph) into the guild? Did you discuss it?” By Shuartzu
Answer: Yes I do remember it. We were just reaching a point where we needed a guild, but hadn’t started looking. When you (or Val) asked, we just looked at each other, shrugged and I think the phase “What’s the worst that could happen?” was uttered.

Q: “How did you feel about meeting Shu and Lori? Looking forward to meeting any of the others?” By Shuartzu
Answer: It was great to finally meet some other Orphans (Numi doesn’t count as I already know him!) and hopefully I can meet some other at some point. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for a UK stop of the Cantina Tour.

Q: “Whilst not playing SWTOR, how often do you end up discussing it in real life?” By Shuartzu
Answer: Probably too often…….

Q: “What is your least favourite character/class to play in SWTOR?” By Shuartzu
Answer: I really don’t like the Sentinel & Marauders classes. I can’t really explain why, but they just don’t seems to gel with me, and I find I struggle with them.

Q: “Would you ever buy another cat?” By Shuartzu
Answer: Possibly. We’ve discussed maybe getting another as a companion for Lois, but I have no idea if she’d like sharing her space.

Q: “Would you ever join any other MMO’s?” By Shuartzu
Answer: Possibly but I’ve got no plans to join anything new at the moment. I did enjoy my trial with WoW though, so I might play some more on that at some point.

Q: “What was your honest opinion on Final Fantasy XIV?” By Shuartzu
Answer: I didn’t get much of a chance to form a real opinion as it played so badly on my laptop. It seemed really slow to do anything, which I suspect was a mixture of the laptop, combined with the text based cut scenes. I’ve only ever played one FF game properly, so I don’t even have that much pre-existing knowledge of the franchise.

Q: “Would you ever give The Elderscrolls Online again?” By Shuartzu
Answer: Yes probably. I enjoyed the beta testing (and I was very excited to beta test something for the first time) but was put off by the subscription fees. Now that its free I might give it another go.

Q: “What is your inspiration to play Star Wars?” By The Great Khali
Answer: I loved the KOTOR games on the Xbox when they first came out.

Q: “If you could be any member of the cantina band in Mos Eisly who would you be?” By The Great Khali
Answer: Hmm – is there a flautist (or similar)? I always wanted to play the flute when I was younger.

Q: “If you could be any person in the Star Wars Universe who would you be, and who would you make Raph? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: I enjoyed dressing up as Queen Amidala at a fancy dress party, with Raph as my stormtrooper escort.  I have no idea who I’d be, but probably someone in the Senate as it would have to be someone powerful

Q: “In all seriousness, what the hell do you see in Raph?” By The Great Khali
Answer: 😉 I see a lot in him! As well as that he’s my soulmate and my best friend.

Q: “Everyone in the guild is on fire aside from you. You have time to put out three members, who do you choose and why?” By The Great Khali
Answer: Who set you all on fire? If it was your own fault – I’m saving nobody. If I somehow caused it by Tirtzing, then I’ll probably pick Raph and the 2 people nearest the door.

Q: “Val promotes you to guild master for a week, what do you do?” By The Great Khali
Answer: Form an alliance with NorDev.

Q: “Raph wants to convert to the Jedi religion in real life and go to meditations sessions with people to communicate with the force. What is your response to this?” By The Great Khali
Answer: Sounds like a plan! Someone in our house may have already completed a census return listing Jedism as their religion………

Q: “If all your characters were deleted on SWTOR and couldn’t be retrieved or recovered. What do you do? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: Swear, throw something and then probably cry!

Q: “There is a poo on the carpet it looks like a human’s poo. You ask Raph and he claims the cat did it. Do you believe him?” By The Great Khali
Answer: No it clearly would be Raph’s.

Q: “When Raph goes bald would you prefer him to wear a wig or just be bald. ” By The Great Khali
Answer: Raph’s never going to go bald.

Q: “Do you consider your position in the guild to be above Raph or below him?” By The Great Khali
Answer: He’s an Ass now, so he clearly outranks me… Ooops I meant Ass GM!

Q: “Why do you never look where you’re going? (To the point where ‘Tirtzing’ is now a real phrase)” By The Great Khali
Answer: I really have no idea. I like to think I’m quite observant in real life – though Raph thinks otherwise. My numerous accidents and injuries possibly mean that Raph may be more correct than I am.

Q: “List any other MMOs aside from SWTOR you’ve either played or want to play, and then tell us what you enjoyed about each one or why you would want to play them. ” By The Great Khali
Answer: I’ve played SWTOR, Guild Wars, WoW and another one that Numi introduced me to (but I can’t remember the name). SWTOR is definitely my favourite though.

Q: “Why are you so racist? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: 😥

Q: “Why does the ‘Ask or Orphan’ banner contain the guy from the anonymous movement? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: Because Shu put him there?

Q: “What are your feelings of the balance between the PvP players in the guild and the PvE players.” By The Great Khali
Answer: I’m ambivalent about it.

Q: “Do you feel one has been overlooked over the other or do you think there is a good balance between the two.” By The Great Khali
Answer: I think the balance is ok, as we are on a PvE server.

Q: “Why did you murder Jal? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: No I didn’t!      *coughs*       You can’t prove anything…………

Q: “Why are tricks just for kids? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: Cos kids are cool.

Q: “How long until your big move?” By The Great Khali
Answer: Hopefully not long – I want a garden for summer BBQs!

Q: “How long did it take for Raph to ‘make his move’ on you? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: Who says he made the moves?

Q: “How is working at a library? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: Meh……

Q: “Does it ever get boring and would you ever consider working anywhere else? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: I don’t find my job boring, as I like the power I have and the ability to decide what I want to do.

Q: “Is this enough questions to ask? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: Yes

Q: “Do you know who the Great Khali is? ” By The Great Khali
Answer: Yes

Q: “And if not, why do you not know who I am!?” By The Great Khali
Answer: I reckon its El – but I could be wrong……

Q: “Who is the better Ass GM El or Shu, and would you ever endorse a trial by combat between them should the position of GM ever open up?” By The Great Khali
Answer: I’m abstaining from the first part of the question. But I’m always a fan of trial by combat – in fact I’m pretty sure I had a combat trial with Jal to get to Lieutenant (or maybe it was just to become a full member).

Q: “On that note who would you say is the better Ass GM between the two of them?” By The Great Khali
Answer: I think you both complement each other with different strength, and its therefore impossible to choose. And now Raph’s one too they can be the triumvirate of awesomeness!

Q: “Also of the better of the two would you say they are better at running the guild than Val is?” By The Great Khali
Answer: Do you think I’m stupid enough to answer that? No comment……

Q: “A tidal wave is heading towards both sides of America, you have the power to stop the wave, which side of America do you save East or West?” By The Great Khali
Answer: The West.  Napa Valley in CA produces some great wine and I’d be very sad if that was destroyed 🙂

Q: “You and Raph get a divorce, who gets to keep the cat?” By The Great Khali
Answer: Raph gets Lois and I get the flat. It seemed a good idea at the time, but I kinda regret the deal now, I guess the only solution is not to divorce him!

Q: “Who is your favourite superhero?” By The Great Khali
Answer: Wolverine.

Q: “What is your favourite TV show?” By The Great Khali
Answer: At the moment – Game of Thrones. But my favourite show ever was probably Buffy

Q: “Who is your favourite person to kidnap?” By The Great Khali
Answer: The question implies I regularly kidnap people!?!
For my inaugural kidnapping I’d probably go for a footballers wife, as there’s probably some good ransom money in it!

Q: “How many calories are in a kit Kat bar?” By The Great Khali
Answer: 107 in a 2 finger bar, 232 in a 4 finger bar

Q: “And finally would you ever consider joining another guild from your experience in this one?” By The Great Khali
Answer: Yes – NorDev

Q: “How many siblings do you have? What’s your birth order?” By Exo
Answer: None – its just me

Q: “What’s something you’ve won and how did you win it?” By Exo
Answer: Hmm I’ve really not won much. I got to name my primary school’s bookshop by devising the name that most people liked. And I’ve won some pantomime tickets by entering a prize draw.

Q: “Who is the closest friend you’ve ever had? Describe that relationship” By Exo
Answer: My best friend when I was growing up I met at school, but we ended up having a massive fight and drifting apart over something stupid.

Q: “How many days could you last in solitary confinement? How would you do it?” By Exo
Answer: Probably quite a while, but I’d have to read a lot, or just have conversations with myself

Q: “When you’re alone at home, do you wear shoes, socks, slippers, or go barefoot?” By Exo
Answer: Socks

Q: “What’s something you should throw away, but can’t? Explain.” By Exo
Answer: I have far too much stuff that I should throw away but can’t – that’s why we need to move to somewhere bigger!

Q: “As a girl, do you feel you’re treated differently from the guys in the guild? Or, with a fellow girl in the guild, feel you’re treated differently from her? (Serious question is serious)” By Anonymous
Answer: Oooh a good question! It is very interesting to see the social dynamics in the guild sometimes, especially in the early days – the phrase ‘peacocking’ comes to mind!

Q: “How often do you read your horoscope? Do you believe there’s any truth to it?” By Exo
Answer: Not that often, largely because I don’t read much that contains horoscopes. I don’t think there’s much truth in it, but they are fun to read when I do get the chance.

Q: “What’s something valuable that you accidentally dropped and broke? Describe the situation” By Exo
Answer: There have been far to many things dropped and broken by me! Listing any would probably open old wounds for Raph.

Q: “At amusement parks, are you drawn more to the scariest roller coaster or the tamest merrygo-round? Why?” By Exo
Answer: Rollercoasters, but not those that go upside down.

Q: “What has been your best work of art? Describe it.” By Exo
Answer: I don’t do art, in any medium.

Q: “What magazines do you subscribe to, and how many of those do you actually read or look through? Do you throw any of them away unread?” By Exo
Answer: None – books are better.

Q: “Have you ever purchased anything from a telemarketer? If so, what was it? If not, why didn’t you?” By Exo
Answer: We purchased some crockery from a shopping channel before we bought our flat. I’ve no idea what we did with it though, as we don’t have it anymore.

Q: “What’s your favourite video game?” By Numi
Answer: It’s probably a draw between the Star Wars Battlefront games and Fallout 3 (but not the New Vegas version).

Q: “How long have you and Raph been playing MMOs?” By Numi
Answer: SWTOR is the first one I really got into, which we started playing on the day of release. Before that my first MMO was something Numi got me playing, but I have no idea what it was called and then I had a brief fling with WoW. SWTOR was the first that I actually played as a proper MMO though, the others I’d just played as if they were a single player game.

Q: “Would you ever consider getting another pet?” By Numi
Answer: Maybe another cat

Q: “Do you ever aspire to greatness?” By Numi
Answer: I aspire and achieve greatness every day!

Q: “Would anything stop you playing video games?” By Numi
Answer: Losing my hands – though having a broken wrist a couple of years ago didn’t stop me all that much.

Q: “Would you allow Raph to divorce you and have you as a mistress if he got together with a billionaire?” By Numi
Answer: Maybe.

Q: “How’s the foster kid\workhouse plan going?” By Numi
Answer: Oddly, that one never got off the ground.

Q: “Why Tirtz?” By Numi
Answer: Why not? It’s better than Nono, which was my name before the server merge.

Q: “No seriously why? It’s like the most random name I’ve ever seen.” By Numi
Answer: I really can’t remember what inspired me to choose it as a name but it has really grown on me 🙂

Q: “Do you think Shu is kawaii? If he isn’t what you do to make him KAWAII DESU NE!” By Numi
Answer: Say what? I have no idea, so I’ll go with yes?

Q: “When you travel, do you pack too much or too little? Explain.” By Exo
Answer: Too much. I like to ensure I have everything I might possibly need.

Q: “Would you ever be interested in observing a surgery or do you turn away when the nurse brings out the needle? Why?” By Exo
Answer: I’m not sure I’d want to watch a full operation, but I do find it oddly compulsive to watch blood being taken. So I guess I’m somewhere in the middle.

Q: “How many credit cards do you have? How often do you use them? What are their numbers and passwords?” By Exo
Answer: Just the one, and its not that well used. And oddly I can’t remember the number and password at the moment!

Q: “If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?” By Exo
Answer: Yes?

Q: “Would a fly without wings be called a walk?” By Exo
Answer: Yeah that sounds a sensible idea.

Q: “Why is there no “w” in “one”, but there is a “w” in “two” and we don’t use it?” By Exo
Answer: Ahh the joy of the English language – it’s just designed to confuse people!

Q: “How long is a piece of string?” By Exo
Answer: Never long enough.

Q: “How often do you read the newspaper? Which sections do you turn to first?” By Exo
Answer: I rarely read newspapers, especially now they’ve invented news apps.

Q: “Is the paper money in your possession right now organized sequentially according to denomination and with the bills right side up and facing the same way? Why or why not?” By Exo
Answer: It would be, if I actually had any money in my purse.

Q: “Would you describe yourself as more of a feeler or a thinker? Why?” By Exo
Answer: A thinker. I love mulling over things and an exploring possible eventualities.

Q: “Why isn’t there mouse-flavored cat food?” By Exo
Answer: There so should be. Lois would love it (possibly?)

Q: “Why is it that when you’re driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?” By Exo
Answer: Cos music affects your concentration. It also helps with manoeuvring if you turn the volume down

Q: “Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?” By Exo
Answer: Because he makes you broke!

Q: “Are you superstitious? Give an example.” By Exo
Answer: Not really. But on piers I have to make sure my feet stay firmly on the planks – I have a crazy fear that if step on the tiny gaps between planks then I might fall through it, or the plank might break or something equally disastrous.

Q: “What’s something you regret losing, selling, or giving away?” By Exo
Answer: Raph gave me a lovely bracelet, which fell off my wrist when I was at Ascot one year – I really regret losing that, and would love to have it back.

Q: “What’s your idea of cute?” By Exo
Answer: Lois

Q: “What big challenge have you taken on recently?” By Exo
Answer: Saving for a house, whilst still paying a mortgage and trying to have a life.

Q: “What’s someone’s idiosyncrasy that really bothers you?” By Exo
Answer: Snide comments – they’re just not nice and certainly not necessary.

Q: “Where do you think you spend most of your money?” By Exo
Answer: Probably on my car. With wine as a close second.

Q: “What do you consider your best quality?” By Exo
Answer: My ability to use a shotgun.

Q: “Are you a compulsive shopper or do you bring a list and carefully consider your purchases?” By Exo
Answer: I always have to have a list when I go food shopping. I do like to carefully consider purchases, to go away and think about them and also to consider where I can get them cheapest.

Q: “Who is the first person you tell when something good happens to you?” By Exo
Answer: Raph

Q: “In what circumstances do your motor skills short-circuit your verbal skills, and vice versa?” By Exo
Answer: When I’ve been drinking!

Q: “Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?” By Exo
Answer: The monkeys keep him shaved

Q: “Why is a boxing ‘ring’ square?” By Exo
Answer: Because it got knocked out of shape.

Q: “If you choke a Smurf, what colour does it turn?” By Exo
Answer: Red

Q: “If peanut butter cookies are made from peanut butter, then what are Girl Scout cookies made out of?” By Exo
Answer: Chocolate

Q: “Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They’re both dogs!” By Exo
Answer: Pluto has evolved.

Q: “Why do we say “a pair of pants” when there is only one article of clothing involved?” By Exo
Answer: Is it because they have two sides?

Q: “What’s your preference: plane, train, boat, automobile, horse, camel, a hippogryph or all mixed up in one mech creature?” By Exo
Answer: I’d like to see the combined mech creature.

Q: “What’s your favorite board game? Do you usually win?” By Exo
Answer: I’m a big monopoly fan. But I also liked a game – Outrage – that I played when I was younger, where you have to steal the crown jewels. The game even has little crown jewel replicas!

Q: “Where’s your favorite place to take out-of-town guests?” By Exo
Answer: Any guests get taken to Wabi – a lovely Japanese restaurant near us. Or if they’re really “out-of-towners” then they get the full tourist treatment in London.

Q: “What interests you most about SWTOR? The game itself or the story?” By Shu
Answer: The storylines.

Q: “What’s your top 5 favourite game franchises of all time?” By Shu
Answer: Hmm….. Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Star Wars Battlefront, Mass Effect and Gears of War.

Q: “There’s a building fire and all the Orphans are trapped inside but Raph and you are on the outside. Why did you do it?” By El
Answer: Because NorDev wanted me to…. I’m really a spy for them!

Q: “If SWTOR shut down,  what game would you primarily play?” By Raph
Answer: I’d probably play something on the Xbox, but I’m not sure what.

Q: “If money was no object,  where would you live?” By Raph
Answer: Probably still in Surrey, but in one of the posher bits.

Q: “If you had to lose one, what sense would you choose to lose? Sight, hearing or feeling? (Smell and taste is too easy)” By Raph
Answer: Hearing

Q: “If you retrain and become any profession instantly, what would you choose?” By Raph
Answer: Doctor – I want to earn a GPs salary, especially if I can do it without all the training and learning!

Q: “Can Raph buy a PS4?” By Raph
Answer: Yes you can buy a PS4, if I  can get a new laptop.

Thanks for all that participated. The next issue of Ask an Orphan AMA will feature Exo. To members wishing to put forward their own questions for the AMA, please submit them here.

About Orphans of Taris

The official Wordpress account for the guild belonging to the Republic faction from the MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Posted on March 1, 2015, in Orphan Legacy and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Anyone else seeing Tirtz in a different light now that they know that she knows her way around Shotgun?

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